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How to Avoid About.me Domain Charges

22nd May 2013

About.me has just launched a premium service containing additional features. A particularly one desirable feature is the ability to use a custom URL so that people can view your profile without using the default About.me URL (For example you could use www.yourname.co.uk instead of www.about.me/username).  This is  especially useful for users wanting a more professional and personalised finish. The premium service is $4 per month.

A possible work-around for this is, instead of paying $4 per month, to purchase your domain outright and connect it to your About.me profile. Of course, this would mean that you wouldn’t get the other additional features which come with the premium subscription (such as Google Analytics and priority support).

Steps to Avoid the Charges

  1. Find a domain registrar of your choice (Our preference is 123-reg.co.uk)
  2. Purchase the domain of your choice & allow it to process
  3. Once ready you need to set up a forwarder.  Within 123-reg, this is known as ‘web forwarding.’ Point this to the URL of your About.me profile
  4. Tuck the $4 you’ve saved each month away and buy something nice!

It really is that simple – now each time someone enters your domain name they’ll be taken to your About.me profile.