We frequently run online reputation management sessions for schools and universities, during which we look at the impact of the digital footprint we create. In recognising where we appear online, we can begin to manipulate, promote or hide that content accordingly.
As search ventures into knowledge-sourcing and personalisation, it’s not just the content we create that matters: it’s what we search for and click too.
We know that Facebook recently announced Graph Search (where you can look for used based on a variety of metrics including location, gender, Likes and relationship status), but did you know you’ve been able to access the people you’ve searched for on Facebook from the day you signed up for a while now? Before the panic sets in, be aware that only you can see this activity.
We are running a series of articles on locking down your social media profiles, including a comprehensive overview of Facebook lock down: Activity log is just a snippet! Stay tuned to the 3ManFactory blog to learn more about managing your social network profiles.