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Adding a Google+ Plus Business Page

8th November 2011

Yesterday Google released Google+ Pages for businesses and going off the tagline “A leap forward in building relationships between businesses and people”, it’s clear that Google are intending to replicate and seriously rival  the purpose of Facebook Pages.

After spending a little time tinkering with our very own Google+ Page for 3ManFactory, it’s obvious that there are very few differences  between standard profiles and page, with one of the main differences being the addition of a Google+ button below the profile picture (in place of the standard message option as visible on a standard profile).

Creating a Google+ Page

There are two simple ways to do this: the first is to login to your Google account and go to your Google+ profile. Within the right hand sidebar, at the bottom,  there is the option, “Create a Google+ page.” .

The second method is to click the following link which will take you directly to the sign up page, create a Google+ page.

You’ll then see the following screen from which you can select which category the new page will belong t. You’re then prompted to  fill out some basic details about your page (in a similar fashion to when a Goolge+ profile is first created).

Multiple Admins

At present, there is no option for multiple admins (which is a little bit shocking) but according to a group discussion, “It’s coming very soon!” is the official line. We’ll keep you posted on this, as and when it becomes available.

Vanity URLs

Again, what would have been an attractive prospect to have people and businesses stampeding to claim their page, is missing: a custom URL.

Searching for Google+ Pages

Another new release yesterday was the integration of Goolge+ search results within Google.  To help users connect with brands you can now place a “+” sign before a brand name an it should return their Google+ page. Give it a whirl with Pepsi (+pepsi).