Personal Promoted Facebook Posts Are Here
19th October 2012‘Facebook is free and always will be,’ is what the social giant has always promised. I have no doubt that there will always be a free element but back in May this year, Facebook tested Promoted Posts to users in New Zealand.
A Promoted Post is a way to ensure you update lingers in the top of the news feed of your friends or fans longer than it normally would. It’s not a new concept; businesses have been utilising this feature for a long while now but now, you as an individual, can do the same.
It was announced at the beginning of October that it was being rolled out in the US and now, it has definitely hit the UK (or at the very least, me!). I posted on a friend’s timeline and was prompted to promote, so all in the name of research I clicked. The cost to promote? Currently 63p!
So why would you want to promote your post? My initial thought was that this was the next step of the vanity culture in which we’re enveloped, but on second thoughts, it could be you’re promoting an event, a charity, a party or big news that you’re proud of.
Would you pay to promote your personal posts?