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Instagram Introduces Web Feeds

6th February 2013

At long last Instagram have made it worth while logging into your account on web browser with the introduction of web feeds. A web feed is essentially all the content collated from the users you follow:  when you use the iPhone or Android Instagram, you’re presented with a stream of content from these users.

Where Can I Find It?

Simply log into your Instagram account at instagram.com and you’ll be presented with the feed.

What Can It Do?

The feed works just like the mobile apps, allowing you to comment and favourite the content you’re following, which should propel the number of  interactions.

What Does It Look Like?

Here is a preview of the web feed; due to the large nature of the content and the unimaginative layout, it will result in a fair amount of scrolling to view the your feed.

instagram web feed

Do you think it’ll encourage you to interact more with other users? We’ll be fascinated to see what impact it has on influence measures such as Klout. Share your thoughts below.