3ManFactory Judges at the Red Rose Awards 2015
16th February 2015We were recently invited to judge a category of the Red Rose Awards – our category? The Green Business Award.
Shortlisted for this category are:
- Acorn Cleaners
- Blackpool and The Fylde College
- Carbon Footprint Experts Lighting
- Crowberry Consulting
- Neales Waste Management
- The Low Carbon Energy Company
The finalists were asked to deliver a 5-minute presentation before facing a thorough 10-minute grilling from us judges who, incidentally, comprised of:
- Carole Garrett (Director, Profit Optimiser)
- Jonathan Thomas (Senior Project Officer, Lancashire County Council)
- Wayne Wild (Group Director, WEC)
- Mick Smith (Director of Environmental Business Services Team, New Ground)
- Tom Stables (Creative Director, 3ManFactory)
What transpired through the day was how extraordinary the calibre of business was in our region – so much so, extended discussion was required between the judges as to who the winner ought to be. Professionalism was proudly evident throughout and it was pleasing to see the agenda of corporate, environmental and social responsibility at the head of their strategies.
We’re looking forward to watching the deserved winners celebrate their successes on the night and hopefully, we’ll see you there too.