Innova Solutions supply high strength bonding tapes, structural adhesives and photoluminescent safety signage to construction, signage and automotive industry (amongst others). They wanted to break through the noise in a crowded B2B market to promote their industry-leading and rapidly growing line of high-strength bonding tapes and adhesives, targeting the product’s end users alongside procurement teams and researchers, whilst building their reputation as being premium suppliers.
To break through an incredibly crowded marketplace we knew we needed to harness the power of creativity and grab attention. We know that when a campaign is authentic to the brand is when we see it perform best, so we began by leaning into the product line and focussing on the key attributes most beneficial to the end user. An emerging theme became clear: strength. How could we convey strength visually, in a way that would jump off the page, or out of a screen, for customers?
Cut to… Mark Felix, one of the world’s strongest men, hailing from Innova’s own home county of Lancashire and with world-beating grip strength, akin to some of Innova Solutions bestsellers!
We created a series of video content featuring Felix showcasing just how strong Innova’s products are; we orchestrated a photography shoot curating a plethora of promotional images; we created promotional t-shirts for the team and friends of the brand; we implemented a full web takeover including stamping “strong” products with Mark’s face; we created a full social campaign and we took out ads in strategically chosen trade publications.
The campaign culminated at Print and Digital at the NEC in Birmingham, where we took Mark along and invited delegates and guests to test their strength against Mark in a grip test – for which he holds the world record!
The campaign proved to be a huge success, winning the Prolific North Award for Best B2B Integrated Communications Campaign.
Since the campaign’s initial success, we’ve gone on to extend and enhance the campaign further, applying metaphorical marketing messages to their entire product ranges, placing focus on the end use of each product. This makes it easier for Innova Solutions to break into new territories (they’re now in Europe and the USA), new industries (like transport and aerospace), and bring new products to market (like launching their photoluminescent line and safety signage).